This ACS Omega Virtual Special Issue aims to provide a platform for the scientific community to present their high-quality research in phytochemistry. Submit your manuscript by July 31, 2023.

Epidemiological studies indicate that consumption of foods rich in phytochemicals, including vitamins, polyphenols, carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids, organic acids, phytosterols, and bioactive peptides, may play positive roles in preventing certain diseases, such as those associated with aging, inflammation, arthritis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Due to their significant effects on human health, phytochemicals have become one of the most attractive topics for researchers in recent years.
This ACS Omega Virtual Special Issue aims to provide a platform for the scientific community to present their high-quality research in phytochemistry. Relevant topics on phytochemicals will be considered, including their content and bioavailability in different matrices, changes during processing and encapsulation, and their relationship with gut microbiota and human health.
We invite Articles, Mini-Reviews, Reviews, or Perspectives on all topics relating to phytochemicals, including (but not limited to):
- Effects of biotic and abiotic stresses on phytochemicals
- Characterization of phytochemicals
- Novel extraction techniques for phytochemicals
- Bioaccessibility and bioavailability of phytochemicals
- Changes in phytochemicals during processing
- Bioactive-health and bioactive-gut microbiota relationship
- Encapsulation of phytochemicals
- Effect of food matrix on the content and bioavailability of phytochemicals
- Phytochemicals obtained from food wastes
The Virtual Special Issue will be managed by ACS Omega Associate Editor Prof. Esra Çapanoğlu at Istanbul Technical University (ITU).
Submission Instructions
Manuscripts must adhere to ACS Omega’s submission guidelines available on the Information for Authors page.
The deadline for submission of manuscripts for the Phytochemistry Virtual Special Issue is July 31, 2023. Manuscripts will be screened for suitability and undergo rigorous peer review.