I&ECR is launching a Call for Nominations to encourage any undergraduate student(s) working in chemical engineering to put themselves (or others) forward to write for an upcoming Special Issue.

A group of scientists in lab coats and safety goggles are working together in a laboratory.

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (I&ECR) is planning an upcoming Special Issue celebrating undergraduate research. The Special Issue intends to recognize the youngest members of the chemical engineering research community.

Therefore, we are launching this Call for Nominations to encourage any undergraduate student(s) working in any area of chemical engineering to put themselves (or others) forward to write for this upcoming Special Issue.

Nominations are accepted until August 15, 2024 and should be submitted using the link here and below.

The nominations will be evaluated by the Editorial Board on a rolling basis and the selected nominees will be notified promptly.

Please note that while we aspire to feature as many deserving young researchers as possible, it may not be feasible to accommodate all the nominations we receive. However, we assure you that each nomination will be given careful consideration.

If you have any questions, please contact Managing Editor Jhoan Toro-Mendoza.

Organizing Editors

Michael Baldea, Editor-in-Chief, I&ECR
Henry Beckman Professor
The University of Texas at Austin, United States

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