This Special Issue seeks to highlight ongoing advances in the field of pharmaceutical solids covering different states of matter from crystalline to solid-solution to amorphous. Submit your manuscript by February 28, 2025.

Several blue and white capsules are scattered on a yellow surface, with two capsules prominently placed in the foreground.

Pharmaceutical co-crystals are multi-component crystalline solids that contain an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and a coformer, preferably a pharmaceutically acceptable molecule from the GRAS list. Research on pharmaceutical co-crystals, containing an API of poor physicochemical and/or biopharmaceutical properties, began in the early 2000s through crystal engineering and supramolecular synthon approach. It is now an integral part of the pre-formulation stage of the drug discovery and development cycle, and its success is demonstrated by several prescription drug co-crystals launched in the healthcare system. Pharmaceutical co-crystals can systematically modify the physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of a drug, i.e., solubility, permeability, hydration, color, compaction, tableting, bioavailability, without disturbing the covalent structure of the drug molecule.

Topics will include, but are not limited to:

  • Co-crystal design and selection of coformers (experimental and computational)
  • Tuning physicochemical properties
  • Polymorphism
  • Characterization methods
  • Crystallization techniques
  • Crystal structures
  • Crystal engineering approaches for pharmaceutical multi-component solids

The submission deadline is February 28, 2025.

Organizing Editors


Professor Jonathan W. Steed
Durham University, United Kingdom

Guest Editors

Binoy K. Saha
Pondicherry University, India

Bipul Sarma
Tezpur University, India

Geetha Bolla
University of Alabama, United States

Submission Information

We welcome submissions to this Special Issue through February 28, 2025. For more information on submission requirements, please visit the journal’s Author Guidelines page.

All manuscripts will undergo rigorous editorial peer review. Articles are published on a rolling basis in an issue of Crystal Growth & Design. Once the Special Issue is complete, all articles will be publicized as a Virtual Collection, which will provide additional exposure for the work.

How to Submit

  • Log in to the ACS Publishing Center.
  • Select the “Journals” tab.
  • Search for Crystal Growth & Design.
  • Click "Submit."
  • Select your manuscript type, and, under "Special Issue Selection," choose “Multi-Component Pharmaceutical Solids."

Open Access: There are diverse open access options for publications in American Chemical Society journals. Please visit our Open Science Resource Center for more information.

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