This joint Special Issue with The Journal of Organic Chemistry and Organic Process Research & Development will feature work relevant to the broad field of industrial process chemistry. Submit your manuscript by October 1, 2024.

A white background with a picture of a chemical diagram.

The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC) & Organic Process Research & Development (OPR&D) are announcing a joint Special Issue: Excellence in Industrial Organic Synthesis 2024. This unique compilation will feature work from research teams across the chemical enterprise, from the broad field of industrial process chemistry but also presenting academic results that are immediately relevant to industrial applications.

Research that capitalizes on industry-academic collaborations and work from start-up companies is welcome, especially strategies that address the question of how the chemical industry can develop next-generation value chains and processes for a sustainable future to tackle challenges in raw materials supply, energy demand, pollution prevention, and greenhouse emissions.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Synthetic methodologies
  • Pharmaceutical development
  • Fine and specialty chemicals
  • Petrochemicals
  • Polymer chemistry and materials
  • Agricultural chemicals
  • Green and sustainable chemistry based on renewables and biocatalytic processes

This Special Issue follows the 2019 Edition and 2021 Edition of this series.

Submissions are due by October 1, 2024.

Organizing Editors

Prof. Fener Chen, Guest Editor
Fudan University, China

Dr. Yining Chen
, Guest Editor
Merck & Co, United States

Dr. James Murray
, Guest Editor
Amgen, United States

Dr. Bernd Schaefer
, Guest Editor
BASF, Germany

Dr. Shashank Shekhar
, Guest Editor
AbbVie, United States

Submission Information

We welcome submissions for this Special Issue through October 1, 2024. Please visit the JOC website or visit the OPR&D website for details on submission requirements.

Accepted manuscripts for consideration in this Special Issue will include Full Articles (JOC and OPR&D) and Notes (JOC). Papers accepted for publication for this Special Issue will be available ASAP (as soon as publishable) online as soon as they are accepted and will be published in the next journal issue. After all submissions have been published, they will then be compiled online on a dedicated landing page to form the Special Issue. Manuscripts submitted for consideration will undergo the full rigorous peer review process expected from ACS journals.

How to Submit

  • Log in to the ACS Paragon Plus submission site.
  • Choose The Journal of Organic Chemistry or Organic Process Research & Development.
  • Select your manuscript type, and under "Special Issue Selection," choose “Excellence in Industrial Organic Synthesis 2024.”

If you have any general questions regarding submission to this Special Issue, please contact JOC Editor-in-Chief Scott Miller or OPR&D Editor-in-Chief Kai Rossen.

Open Access

There are diverse open-access options for publications in American Chemical Society journals. Please visit our Open Science Resource Center for more information.

Safety Information in Journal Articles

Including a clear, articulate safety summary statement in your research is vital to ensuring that others who reproduce or expand upon your work can prepare for significant hazards and conduct their own methods as safely as possible. Read more about crafting safety statements in our ACS Axial post series.

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