Join us as we celebrate the journal's 25th anniversary with a three-day symposium at ACS Fall 2024!

An image of part of a molecule on a colorful background.

Biomacromolecules is delighted to invite you to join in celebrating 25 years of service to the biopolymer community! The journal, in collaboration with the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry, will host a 3-day symposium celebrating this milestone during the ACS Fall 2024 National Meeting in Denver, Colorado.

The dedicated team of Associate Editors have selected a range of early-career to established researchers who will provide attendees with retrospective, contemporary, and prospective views of fundamental biopolymer science. We are honored to host a speaker who authored a paper in the very first Issue of the very first Volume of Biomacromolecules.

The symposium will run from Sunday, August 18 to Tuesday, August 20. Each session will be held in the Sheraton Downtown Denver Hotel, in Grand Ballroom I.

View each day's full schedule below—and click each speaker's name to see their full ACS publishing history.

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Sunday, August 18
Monday, August 19
Tuesday, August 20

Sunday, August 18

Biodegradable, Biobased, and Biohybrid Polymer Engineering (Morning)

Description: This session focuses on natural products; functional polymers materials; nanomedical devices; light-based 3D printing; biobased resins; renewable, sustainable, compostable polymers; characterizations and implementations of bio-derived polymers; polymeric biomimicry; and peptidomimicry.

Editor-in-Chief Sébastien Lecommandoux will open the symposium and the session, giving a few words about the journal and its role within the biopolymer research community.

Further Reading: Earlier this year, Lecommandoux, along with founding Editor-in-Chief Ann-Christine Albertsson, co-authored an Editorial looking at Biomacromolecules’ achievements and challenges throughout the past 25 years.

Full Schedule: Talks, Titles & Times

  • 8:00-8:05: Sébastien Lecommandoux
    Opening remarks
  • 8:05-8:30: Karen Wooley
    From nanomedical devices to natural product-based functional polymer materials
  • 8:30-8:55: Harm-Anton Klok
    Harnessing refined lignin extraction processes to access new, biosourced polymer materials
  • 8:55-9:20: Andrew Dove
    Circular biobased resins for 3D printing
  • 9:50-10:15: Marc Hillmyer
    Compostable, tough, and thermally resistant polyester block polymer plastics
  • 10:15-10:40: Elisabeth Prince
    Design and applications of biomimetic nanofibrous hydrogels
  • 10:40-11:05: Anders Egede Daugaard
    Aromatic epoxy and amine curing agents produced from lignin derivatives and investigations into selective modification pathways
  • 11:05-11:30: Abigail Knight
    Deciphering sequence-conformation relationships in macromolecules

Smart Polymers and Colloids (Afternoon)

Description: Virgil Percec begins the second session of the symposium discussing bioinspiration and biocollaboration. Virgil published an article in the very first Issue of the very first Volume of Biomacromolecules, and celebrated journal’s 25 anniversary milestone with a Perspective article earlier this year.

This session focuses on polymers in nanocrystals and nanoparticles; bioinspiration; controlled randomness; composite materials; tissue repair; responsive nanocapsules; heteropolymers; protein mimicry.

Further Reading: In this exclusive interview, Prof. Percec discusses his perspective on the past and the future of his field in honor of the journal's 25th Anniversary.

Full Schedule: Talks, Titles & Times

  • 2:00-2:25: Virgil Percec
    From bioinspiration to in vivo biocollaboration
  • 2:25-2:50: Katharina Landfester
    Drug-loaded protein nanocapsules and nanocrystals for efficient drug release
  • 2:50-3:15: Ting Xu
    Controlled randomness in heteropolymers to realize protein mimics: Chemistry, structure and dynamics
  • 3:45-4:10: Stuart Rowan
    Adaptive and functional cellulose nanocrystal composite materials
  • 4:10-4:35: Rachel O’Reilly
    Precision polymer nanoparticles
  • 4:35-5:00: Nathan Gianneschi
    Topical application of synthetic melanin promotes tissue repair
  • 5:00-5:25: Michael Cunningham
    CO2-responsive cellulose nanocrystals

Monday, August 19

Polymeric Biomaterials and Gels (Morning)

Description: This session focuses on engineering biomaterials; additive manufacturing; self-assembly of supramolecular materials; bioderived polymers; light-based polymer processing; biomedical applications of biopolymer research.

Full Schedule: Talks, Titles & Times

  • 8:05-8:30: Jason Burdick
    Engineering hyaluronic acid hydrogel structure and properties
  • 8:30-8:55: Kaushik Chatterjee
    4D printing of polymeric tissue scaffolds
  • 8:55-9:20: Melissa Grunlan
    Amphiphilic silicones with modern utility for medical devices
  • 9:50-10:15: Neil Cameron
    Development of scaffolds for 3D cell culture and tissue engineering: A biomacromolecules play in several acts
  • 10:15-10:40: Sandra Van Vlierberghe
    Advancing healthcare with nanoscale precision and rapid light-based polymer processing
  • 10:40-11:05: Zhibin Guan
    Dissipative self-assembly of active supramolecular materials fueled by electricity
  • 11:05-11:30: Thomas III Epps
    Learnings from bioderivable polymers to enhance the sustainability of macromolecular materials

Peptide and Protein Biomaterials (Afternoon)

Description: This session focuses on coacervates; polyelectrolytes; computational design; bioactive materials; bioinspired materials; stimuli-responsive polypeptides; bioresponsive chemistry; self-assembly in protein nanomaterials.

Full Schedule: Talks, Titles & Times

  • 2:00-2:25: Matthew Tirrell
    Molecular arrangement in polyelectrolyte complex coacervates
  • 2:25-2:50: Keiji Numata
    Big data-driven molecular design of artificial spider silk with nano-scale hierarchical structures
  • 2:50-3:15: Tanja Weil
    Bioresponsive chemistry to control supramolecular assembly in living systems
  • 3:45-4:10: Samuel Stupp
    Designing a fourth dimension in bioactive materials
  • 4:10-4:35: Julie Champion
    Self-assembled protein nanosheets for high surface area display of functional proteins
  • 4:35-5:00: Colin Bonduelle
    Bioinspired stimuli-responsive polypeptides
  • 5:00-5:25: Allie Obermeyer
    Biomacromolecules: formation and properties of condensed phases

Tuesday, August 20

Cellulose and Carbohydrate Polymers (Morning)

Description: This session focuses on carbohydrate polymers; glycopolymers; biobased polymer degredation; biomaterials; bioinspiration; polysaccharides.

Full Schedule: Talks, Titles & Times

  • 8:05-8:30: Mark Grinstaff
    Poly-amido-saccharides: New carbohydrate polymers and biomaterials inspired by nature
  • 8:30-8:55: Minna Hakkarainen
    Triggering the degradation of biobased polymers
  • 8:55-9:20: Guosong Chen
    Controlling macromolecular self-assembly by reactions and structures of saccharides
  • 9:50-10:15: Remzi Becer
    Glycopolymer engineering for targeted delivery of nucleic acids
  • 10:15-10:40: Akira Isogai
    Chemistry of position-selective reactions on crystalline cellulose microfibril surfaces
  • 10:40-11:05: Ravin Narain
    Glycopolymers, glycogels and glycomaterials as novel biomaterials
  • 11:05-11:30: Kamil Godula
    Glycomaterials for controlling stem cell fate

Polymer Therapeutics (Afternoon)

Description: This session focuses on nanolayered coatings; nanomedicine; biopolymer chemistry; gene delivery; drug delivery; polymer nanotubes; biopolymer industry; business applications of biopolymer research; intrinsically disordered proteins; alkaloid polymers; cyclic peptides.

Full Schedule: Talks, Titles & Times

  • 2:00-2:25: Paula Hammond
    To PEG or not to PEG: Nanolayered coatings as an aid to nanomedicine
  • 2:25-2:50: Ashutosh Chilkoti
    Synthetic intrinsically disordered proteins
  • 2:50-3:15: Heather Maynard
    Research at the interface of polymers and biology
  • 3:45-4:10: Youqing Shen
    Multipotent polymer-enabled tumor-active-delivery nanomedicine
  • 4:10-4:35: Theresa Reineke
    Cinchona alkaloid polymers demonstrate highly efficient gene delivery dependent on stereochemistry, methoxy substitution, and length
  • 4:35-5:00: Sébastien Perrier
    Cyclic peptide - polymer nanotubes as drug delivery vectors
  • 5:00-5:25: Matthew Gibson
    Paper in Biomacromolecules to a spin-out: Polymers to bank and store cells
  • 5:25-5:30: Sébastien Lecommandoux
    Closing Remarks

We look forward to celebrating this milestone with you!

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