As a continuation of the ACS Technical Division video series, we highlight four more divisions that are making a lasting impact on chemists across the nation. Watch the testimonials to learn how existing members benefited from being in a community with chemists who share an interest in their specialized field. Good news: Most Technical Divisions […]

As a continuation of the ACS Technical Division video series, we highlight four more divisions that are making a lasting impact on chemists across the nation. Watch the testimonials to learn how existing members benefited from being in a community with chemists who share an interest in their specialized field.
In this video, Mick Hurrey (chair 2012-2013) explains how members of the ACS Division of Business Development and Management (BMGT) are managers and leaders within the business community.
Jason D’Acchioli, a member of the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry (DIC) since 2001, talks about the rich diversity of scientists in this group. “I like to think that most inorganic chemists are a mix of driven yet easygoing people, and I think that is why we have such a great sense of collegiality in the Division of Inorganic Chemistry,” says D’Acchioli.
Dr. Pete Smith, a member of the ACS Division of Professional Relations (PROF) for nearly 10 years, shares why PROF is a good home for all chemists and every member of the ACS.
Graham Peaslee, a member of the ACS Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (NUCL) since 1990, talks about how the division’s programming at ACS National Meetings provide invaluable exposure to peers in the field.
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