The holidays are over, and it’s time to get back to work in the lab, right? Not so fast: Chemists (and fans of chemistry) can celebrate science all year long. Want to get in on the fun? First, read this list of important chemistry holidays to commemorate the contributions of STEM researchers, educators, librarians and, […]

The holidays are over, and it’s time to get back to work in the lab, right? Not so fast: Chemists (and fans of chemistry) can celebrate science all year long. Want to get in on the fun? First, read this list of important chemistry holidays to commemorate the contributions of STEM researchers, educators, librarians and, more. Next, bookmark this page to make sure you’re in the loop for all the most important science and chemistry holidays throughout the year. Finally, don’t forget to share it with other chemists in your life.
Check out these Chemistry Holidays in 2020.
February 7th, 2020 – National Periodic Table Day
This important chemistry holiday is all about celebrating the importance of one of chemistry’s most important tools: The periodic table of chemical elements. The date was chosen to honor John Newlands’ first periodic table of elements, which was published on this day in 1863. Additionally, it’s the day before the birthday of Dmitri Mendeleev, who unveiled his version of the table (upon which modern tables are based) in 1869. Get resources for National Periodic Table Day.
Feb. 11th, 2020 International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Women have made enormous contributions to chemistry throughout its history, from pioneers such as Caroline Herschel to legends such as Marie Curie, as well as modern-day marvels, including many of the editors of ACS journals. Historically, women did not receive the recognition they deserved, because of institutional sexism. Today, ACS Editors are quick to acknowledge the influence of women on the field, as both researchers and mentors. Read more about the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
April 19-25, 2020 – National Library Week
This is the perfect week for appreciating libraries and library workers. Librarians are an indispensable part of the research ecosystem, connecting researchers and research the world over. Where would chemists be without them? Take time to thank the librarians in your life, then learn more about how librarians can elevate your work. Learn more about National Library Week.
April 18-24, 2020 – Chemists Celebrate Earth Week
Chemists have an important role to play in the quest to preserve the environment. Chemists Celebrate Earth Week is a great opportunity for highlighting chemistry’s role in the environmental movement and looking at both the challenges and opportunities the field of environmental chemistry affords. This is a chemistry holiday the whole world can appreciate. Learn more about Chemists Celebrate Earth Week.
June of 2020 – National Safety Month
Safety matters for everyone, but it’s of the utmost importance in the lab. That’s why safety, along with professionalism and ethics, is one of ACS’s Core Values. If you’re a chemistry professional, then take June to evaluate your workplace’s safety protocols, share best practices, and learn more about how to stay safe on the job. Learn more about National Safety Month.
Third Week of September 2020 – Peer Review Week
Modern science could not exist without peer review. This science celebration salutes all the good work reviewers do and encourages more scientists to participate in the process. It’s also a time when ACS Publications honors the reviewers who make its journals possible. This chemistry holiday pays tribute to some true heroes of the discipline. Learn more about Peer Review Week.
Second Week of October – Nobel Prize Week
This is the time of year when all scientists secretly expect a call from Stockholm. This week is a time to look back at chemistry history. It’s also a time to look forward to the innovations that Nobel Prize winners’ work will make possible. While it may not be an official chemistry holiday, Nobel Prize week offers plenty to celebrate. Learn more about the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Oct. 9th, 2020 – National Nanotechnology Day
This is a day to help raise awareness of nanotechnology, how it is currently used in products that enrich our daily lives, and the challenges and opportunities it holds for the future. Get National Nanotechnology Day resources.
Oct. 19-24 – National Chemistry Week
This might be the biggest chemistry holiday of the year. During National Chemistry Week, the entire chemistry community celebrates chemistry research, education, and communication. This is a great occasion to showcase the impact chemists make all year long. ACS leads the celebration each year with a variety of resources and educational opportunities. Each year’s celebration has a theme. This year’s theme is “glues and adhesives.” Additionally, the week encompasses Oct. 23, which is National Mole Day. As a result, you get two science holidays at once! Learn more about National Chemistry Week.
Third Week of October – International Open Access Week
This is a week set aside to promote increasing open access to scientific research. ACS Publications is a leader in open access publishing. As a result, ACS Publications offers multiple ways for authors to publish their research open in ACS journals. Learn more about ACS Publications’ Open Access Options.
Nov. 8th – National STEM Day
The great chemists of tomorrow are in school today. This science celebration is all about encouraging young people to explore careers in a variety of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, including chemistry. Celebrate the future of STEM with ACS, then discover all the different kinds of careers a person can have with a background in chemistry. Learn more about careers in chemistry.
Nov. 18 – LGBT STEM Day
This science celebration is an opportunity to recognize the achievements of and the challenges faced by LGBTQIA members of the STEM community. Also, note that this chemistry holiday has a new date for 2020. Read a collection of LGBT Stem Day interviews.